Unhappy with your seat?

You've booked a trip to your favorite getaway...the plane is full and you're stuck in the middle seat...sound familiar? Let ExpertFlyer help find you a better seat!
Find your flight.
Create an alert.
Happy Woman
Enjoy your trip
Use ExpertFlyer's seat map search to find the flight you're on.
Set up Seat Alerts® to find window seats, aisle seats and more.
Get notified by email when your seat is found.
It's that easy. And it's FREE.
Do you want a window seat with a view? An aisle seat for convenience? With a free account, you can set up one alert at a time using the Any/Window/Aisle Seat options. Book your flight with any online service, offline travel agent or with the airline. When your alert arrives, you can contact them to change your seat assignment to switch to the preferred seat. It's only available on ExpertFlyer.
Sign Up
Pick the exact seat you want.
You can see all of the seats in the cabin and select the exact seat you desire. ExpertFlyer will monitor your selected seat right up until the flight departs, if it becomes available you can change your seat when your alert arrives. Just contact your airline.
Cabin Cutaway Learn More
Not sure which seat is best?
Looking for more leg-room? Wonder what other people have to say about a certain seat? SeatGuru® gives you detailed information on every seat in the cabin, including ratings by other travelers!
Seat Guru Learn More
Need more?
Go Pro
With a free account, you can set up one alert at a time using the Any/Window/Aisle Seat options. If you need multiple Seat Alerts at once, you can buy more Seat Alerts for only $.99 each or, better yet, sign up for a Basic or Premium account. You'll get up to 30 Seat Alerts active at one time and tons of other features. And it starts at only $4.99 per month.
Free Mobile App
You can download the free iPhone/iPad app and manage your Seat Alerts on the go. It's easy and convenient to use. Create new Seat Alerts, view Seat Maps and check the status of your active alerts all from the convenience of your phone. Click here to view more information about the app.